When you are involved in the IVF assisted reproduction process, we perform specialised fertility diagnostic tests for each patient, and based on the results of the diagnosis, an optimal course of treatment is developed.
Treatments change for each individual because of fertility issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, secondary infertility, infertility due to immune response, uterine fibroids, ovulation disorders, pelvic adhesions, and more.
After evaluating your condition through fertility diagnostic tests, we will guide you on the best way to realise your desire to have a baby.
Age factor: As women age, their fertility begins to diminish after the age of 25. This is normal and in line with nature, so it doesn’t have to be considered a fertility disorder. But it just means that women over the age of 35 may need to consider another option, such as assisted reproduction and egg donation, to have a child.
Endometriosis is often the root cause behind unexplained infertility in many women, and it is difficult to examine and treat without performing surgical procedures, which not only cause damage to the body but also risk incurable disease.
In this case, we recommend that you opt for assisted reproduction, through which you can not only alleviate your pain, but also have your own baby.
Genetic factors: Some genetic disorders can cause frequent miscarriages and infertility, but there are ways of overcoming these medical challenges, with solutions that are best suited to the patient’s situation.
Ovarian reserve and ovulation: To test a woman’s ovarian reserve, we use a combination of blood and ultrasound. This test helps the doctor to assess a woman’s chances of having a successful pregnancy and delivery. Ovulation is essential to achieving pregnancy, but in many cases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, it can become difficult for a woman to ovulate or even not ovulate. In these cases, our doctors prescribe medications to stimulate ovulation.
Condition of the fallopian tubes: In some cases, a woman’s fallopian tubes may become blocked, twisted or knotted, preventing sperm from meeting an egg or causing an ectopic pregnancy. In order to assess whether the tubes are open or not, our doctors may utilise a dye test of the uterus to examine the fallopian tubes for imaging, which in turn may be used to administer treatment according to the condition.
The uterus and the endometrial layer of the uterus:
The uterus and its inner layers may be abnormal and unable to sustain a pregnancy due to fibroids, intrauterine scarring or polyps.
Many of these conditions can be corrected and we will make a detailed diagnosis through ultrasound, ultrasound hysteroscopy, or laparoscopy.
Age factors. Age is a relatively broad restriction for men compared to women, and men are generally over 50 years of age before age may begin to affect their fertility
Genetics: We can test for a number of genetic abnormalities, such as Crohn’s syndrome, which can cause men to develop fertility problems, and we will develop a specialised treatment plan based on the results of the different tests.
Sperm DNA integrity: In some cases, sperm abnormalities are the root cause of unexplained fertility problems or multiple miscarriages. During the course of treatment, we evaluate the DNA fragments of the sperm so that your doctor can better diagnose your condition.
Sperm Viability: Semen analysis can determine the number of sperm as well as how active they are, as the number and activity of sperm directly determines whether or not they can reach or penetrate the egg. We will take in vitro fertilisation to diagnose this condition.
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency