Modern medical technology has given us the ability to assist those in need of egg or sperm freezing services.
Fertility Preservation was originally developed to serve patients who are suffering from cancer or other serious illnesses, enabling them to preserve their eggs or sperm until after they have received the medical care they need to start or expand their families.
Since these patients often undergo treatments that may be detrimental to their reproductive function, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, they may be negatively affected by their bodies and render them incapable of having children in the future. This is why fertility preservation is utilised to store germ cells for use in the future when the time is right.
Voluntary Fertility Preservation.
Fertility preservation services are likewise available for use by people who have no current plans but may need to conceive offspring in the future.
Egg freezing is a service that preserves a woman’s fertility by allowing eggs to be stored long term and intact for future use.
Many married couples and single women have a long-held desire to have children, and with the increasing pressures of work and life, many will wait until they have accomplished their educational or career goals before choosing to have children.
However, medical knowledge tells us that female fertility declines with age (especially after 35) and can lead to a variety of complications after giving birth.
If you have the same needs, we are happy to offer you egg and sperm freezing services. In this way, the genetic hereditary material of one or both parents can be preserved for when you are ready to start or expand your family in the future.
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency