Sex selection is controversial around the world, and there are wide-ranging ethical and moral debates. In many countries, sex selection is allowed only for health reasons.
However, some prospective parents dream of having a child of a particular gender. Today, advanced technology has made this dream a reality. And Newborn NewBorn is able to provide legal gender selection services in Georgia.
Selection Methods
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, also known as PGD, is one of the current methods of gender selection. This reproductive technique is both safe and accurate.PGD allows professionals to genetically evaluate early embryos (produced through in vitro fertilisation) before they are implanted in the womb. With PGD, doctors are able to determine the sex of each embryo.
This procedure is carried out by skilled professionals under powerful microscopes, who use hollow glass needles to penetrate the shell of the embryo, from which one of the cells is removed, and on which a genetic test is carried out. The embryo of the selected sex is then implanted into the mother’s body.PGD is 99 per cent accurate. It is therefore widely popular.
PGD is also used to screen for various genetic diseases. The role of PGD is immeasurable for couples who may pass on a genetic disease to the next generation.PGD also helps in better understanding of problems like habitual miscarriage and early miscarriages.The conditions that are tested for by PGD include heterozygosity, single gene disorders and translocations.
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency