Chromosomes are the carriers of genes, and chromosome abnormalities can lead to abnormal gene expression and abnormal organism development. The pathogenesis of chromosomal aberrations is unknown, possibly due to the non-separation of chromosomes at the late stage of cell division or chromosome breakage and reattachment under the influence of various factors inside and outside the body.
There are many reasons for chromosomal abnormalities, and the environment, diet, and mood of people can affect chromosomal aberrations. The most common are inherited from the genes of the father or mother. Chromosomal abnormalities occur in six out of 1,000 live births worldwide. About half of these children will have a chromosomal disorder, such as malformations of the five senses or organs such as internal organs.
Treatment Programs
We use PGS technology in IVF to genetically screen the chromosomes in the embryo.
During the screening process, an aneuploidy (abnormal number of chromosomes) assessment is performed to identify the chromosomes and ensure normal development of the embryo before it is transferred to the mother’s womb. Our doctors will provide the most appropriate treatment plan for each client’s needs to achieve an optimal outcome.
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency