You have to believe that the future is bright.
In many people’s impression, HIV carriers cannot have children because HIV is a hereditary disease, which exists in the patient’s seminal plasma and blood just like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis and other viruses, so it is very easy to pass on the HIV virus to the next generation.
However, with the development of medical technology, we can solve this problem in a scientific way. If you are unfortunately infected with HIV, please don’t give up because HIV can also be treated and controlled by current medical technology, and we can also help you to have healthy offspring of your own through the method of IVF.
Male HIV carriers
Currently, HIV-positive families in which only the man is HIV-positive and the woman is healthy and fertile can have a healthy baby through sperm washing.
Since sperms do not carry the HIV virus and the virus is only present in the seminal plasma, as long as the HIV-containing semen can be separated from normal sperms, healthy sperms can be obtained and a healthy baby can be born.
Centrifugal washing technology
The principle of the washing sperm technique is that semen is injected into a test tube and then mixed with an osmotic agent. The mixture is spun at high speed in a centrifuge, and the seminal plasma containing the HIV virus floats to the surface of the liquid.
This method removes problematic sperm and extracts healthy sperm, which is used to combine with an egg to form a fertilised egg, which in turn is then tested for blastocysts grown from the fertilised egg using PGD/ PGS screening technology, under a double screening process in order to ensure that the embryos transferred into the uterus in the future will be healthy.
Density gradient centrifugation
The sperm obtained is diluted as soon as possible with a washing solution to remove as many unfavourable components as possible, including seminal plasma, dead sperm, inflammatory cells, sperm antibodies and cells, mycoplasma, etc. Moreover, the Perecoll gradient centrifugal sperm washing technique does not damage healthy sperm, so it can optimise sperms further to ensure the quality of sperms.
The sperm are then placed under an ultra-high magnification microscope at a magnification of 1,000 times, and by comparing the precise values of sperm morphology and viability, healthy, high-quality sperm are selected for in-vitro fertilisation.
Female HIV carriers
If the HIV carrier is a woman, then we do not recommend getting pregnant on your own, but instead recommend choosing third party assisted reproductive conception.
This is because women who are infected with HIV may transmit the virus to their foetus during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding, resulting in infection of the foetus or baby.The incidence of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is as high as 50% to 60%, so for the sake of the health of your offspring, we recommend that you can have a baby through the use of donor egg assisted reproduction.
Currently, 2.4 million HIV patients worldwide produce healthy offspring through IVF every year. In our opinion, HIV carriers have the same right to have children of their own as ordinary people.
So please rest assured that we will do our best to help you fulfil your dream, no matter by what means.
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency