Infertility can be cruel to every family that desires to have a child; life is often full of variables and uncertainties, and there are limits to the precision that medicine can achieve. For many couples this uncertainty means that the whole process of having a baby can be stressful and overwhelming.
With IVF at a reputed medical facility, the medical risks faced by the client become very less. The main risks are financial and emotional as no one can guarantee success in the first attempt.
However, TCC is able to guarantee the highest quality of service, absolute dedication and patient and sincere guidance. Our screening of egg donors and assisted reproduction providers is very rigorous and careful, and because of this, we have always achieved our desired goals and have never had an unforeseen situation with prospective parents.
Most of the IVF programmes that have been conducted or are in progress at TCC have been successful for the prospective parents on the first or second attempt.
However, in order to ensure transparency in our communication with you, we need to inform you that there is a risk of failure in your fertility cycle and advise you to prepare accordingly.
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) has a limited success rate and is not medically guaranteed. Patients may need to be financially and emotionally prepared to do it all over again at any time.
In order to ease the emotional and financial stress of the IVF process, we will recommend relevant insurance coverage at the beginning of the contract with you.
This way you can proceed with every step of the treatment with complete peace of mind, without having to worry about the financial burden caused by failure. It is our fervent hope that each and every one of our clients is full of surprises and laughter during their treatment!
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency