Walking for love, we know you
Many people believe that it takes a man and a woman to make a baby, so same-sex families have no way of realising their desire to have a child of their own. However, with the development of modern science and medical technology, it is now possible to use artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation and other methods to solve this problem and give same-sex families the conditions they need to have children.
For Gay
For Lesbian
About The Growth Of Children
A good living environment is crucial for children, and many same-sex families are concerned about the growth of their future children. If you are concerned about this, Ted’s Pregnancy will be happy to help you solve your problems because, according to many years of research by foreign experts and scholars, we are very pleased to tell you that the environment in which the child grows up has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the parents.
In many people’s traditional conception, a normal and complete family should be composed of a man and a woman as a mother and a father. However, Farr, a professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky in the U.S., has conducted a study on the adoption of children by same-sex families, in which he pointed out that ‘many studies over the past 20 years have found that, although the growth of a healthy child is influenced to varying degrees by family, society, economic conditions, and the law, the most important influences are the degree of parental love and care, whether they create a correct parental image in the child’s mind, and whether the parents have a positive image of their parents, as well as whether they are able to create a positive parental image. The greatest influence is on the level of parental affection and parental love for the child, their ability to project the right image of parenthood in the child’s mind, as well as the stability of the parental relationship and the level of financial support for the family, rather than the gender or sexual orientation of the parents.
The University of Melbourne has also done a relevant study on 500 children and 315 homosexual parents, and they found that children raised in homosexual families scored higher in terms of family cohesion, intimacy and health. This shows that homosexual parents know how to get along with their children and get along well, which helps their children grow up healthily.
In a British study of same-sex and heterosexual families, 41 gay and 40 lesbian families and 46 heterosexual families were selected. The results of the study showed that same-sex parents showed more warmth and interaction with their children, and that they were better able to encourage their children to explore and develop their own interests and abilities.
In 2015 seven researchers from the Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology at the University of Rome (Italy) published the results of a collaborative study on Italian contexts. The researchers studied 40 homosexual families in comparison with 40 heterosexual families.
They used three main dimensions from previous studies, namely: family functioning, intra-parental relationship regulation, and children’s social and emotional well-being. Among them, children’s social and emotional well-being was further examined by a number of indicators, such as gender identity, sexual orientation, mental health, psychological adjustment, social and peer relations, and behavioural adjustment. As in other similar studies, the researchers did not find significant negative differences in any of the dimensions for children from gay and lesbian families.
It is worth noting that after a long period of follow-up research, experts have also unexpectedly found that children growing up in homosexual families are psychologically healthier: compared to children growing up in heterosexual families, they show stronger emotional functioning, better manners and a better understanding of others.It turns out that although every child grows up in a different environment, if they live in a loving and happy family, the sexual orientation of the parents does not have an impact on the development of the child, and the most important factor for a healthy development of the child is based on a happy and complete family, because love and companionship are the most important thing for them.
Differences in sexual orientation do not affect a person’s sense of responsibility and love. As long as you have a sense of love and responsibility for your child, and the ability to bring a sense of security to your child, so that your child can live in a loving environment, then you are a qualified parent. If you also have the desire to have your own child, Ted’s Pregnancy is honoured to be at your service.
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