Why do you need to do three generations of test tube at an advanced age?
Many patients wonder why it is difficult to get pregnant and easy to miscarry when they are older.
Our reproductive system is like a clock that can only go forward and not backward. The older we get, the worse our reproductive function becomes, and the number of sperm and eggs decreases with age, as does the quality. When there are more ‘bad seeds’, there are fewer chances for them to take root and germinate.
In this regard, we can screen our ‘seeds’ through IVF.
The so-called third-generation IVF is actually based on the first and second generation IVF, with the addition of pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT), i.e., the testing of ectodermal cells at the blastocyst stage, which is subdivided into three types, PGT-A (aneuploidy screening), PGT-M (diagnosis of single-gene disorders) and PGT-SR (diagnosis of chromosomal structural abnormalities).
Today we will start with PGT-A (aneuploidy).
Why do you need PGT-A at an advanced age?
What is PGT-A? It is the pre-implantation aneuploidy test to screen out the embryos for aneuploidy. Like the common syndrome 21-Trisomy, also known as Down’s syndrome, is a typical representative of aneuploidy. Normal human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with pairs of chromosomes in each number, whereas aneuploidy is a missing one, or an extra one, or even two extra ones, and so on.
The selection of embryos for normal IVF treatment is often judged by traditional morphological methods, but this method carries some risks, and embryos with good morphology are not necessarily chromosomally normal.
Most of the non-integer-ploidy embryos will end up in foetal termination and miscarriage. A few will survive, but the children born will have serious defects. With PGT-A, this risk is significantly reduced.
In a word, the purpose of PGT-A is to avoid foetal abortion caused by aneuploidy chromosome abnormality, to increase the pregnancy rate, and to increase the live birth rate.
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency