In the field of assisted reproduction, the three-generation IVF technique has attracted a lot of attention and many couples facing ovarian recession have pinned their hopes on it. At the same time, physical conditioning before IVF is also crucial, as it can lay a solid foundation for successful conception.
I. IVF and Ovarian Deterioration
1. Principles and advantages of three-generation IVF technology
Three-generation IVF technology mainly includes pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT), which is divided into PGT – A (aneuploidy screening), PGT – M (monogenic disease detection) and PGT – SR (chromosome structural rearrangement detection). The core advantage of this technology is the ability to test the genetic material of embryos and screen for embryos that are chromosomally normal or do not carry specific disease-causing genes for transfer.
Triple IVF plays a huge role in the prevention of genetic diseases. For example, for some couples who are known to carry the causative genes of monogenic genetic diseases (e.g. Thalassaemia, Cystic Fibrosis, etc.), the transmission of the causative genes to the next generation can be avoided through the PGT – M technique.
2. Limited effect on the problem of ovarian decline
However, PGT-M does not directly address the problem of ovarian decline. Ovarian decline mainly manifests itself in the form of decreased ovarian reserve function, reduced number and quality of eggs. Although 3G IVF can screen for high quality embryos at the embryo stage, it cannot change the physiological state of the ovaries themselves to increase the number of eggs or fundamentally improve the quality of the eggs.
For example, a woman with declining ovaries already has a small number of primordial follicles in her ovaries and may only be able to obtain a small number of eggs during ovulation stimulation. The three-generation IVF can only screen embryos after the fertilisation of these limited eggs, but it cannot change the situation of egg scarcity.
Second, before the test tube female body conditioning
1. Lifestyle adjustment
Regular work and rest: Ensuring enough sleep is crucial. Try to go to sleep between 10:00 – 11:00 every night and sleep for 7 – 8 hours every day. A good night’s sleep helps to regulate the endocrine system, especially for the maintenance of ovarian function. During sleep, the body will carry out self-repair and hormone regulation, which is conducive to the development of eggs.
Moderate Exercise: Choose an exercise method that suits you, such as yoga, jogging, swimming, etc. Some of the asanas in yoga can promote the development of eggs. Some asanas in yoga can promote pelvic blood circulation, which is good for ovaries and uterus. Exercising 3 – 4 times a week for 30 – 60 minutes each time can enhance physical fitness, improve body metabolism and create good physical conditions for conception.
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol: Smoking and drinking alcohol can have a negative impact on the reproductive system. Harmful substances such as nicotine in cigarettes can reduce the quality of eggs, while alcohol may affect hormone levels and the ability of eggs to be fertilised. Therefore, you should try to stop smoking and drinking before IVF to minimise the negative effects on fertility.
Georgia Surrogacy Services,Legal IVF Hospital,Global Fertility Agency